Non-urgent advice: Book an Appointment
If you would like to book an appointment over the telephone, click here.
If you would like to book an appointment in person, please check the opening hours of the surgery before you visit.
Please use your callback service if you are on a queue on the telephone, we will automatically call you back in line with your place in the queue.
Non-urgent advice: Routine Appointments
If you would like to book a routine appointment, you can do so up to three weeks in advance with an available GP.
To make the booking please contact us over the telephone by clicking here.
Urgent advice: Urgent Appointments
If you would like to book an urgent appointment, please contact us by clicking here.
If you need assistance and the surgery is closed, please contact NHS 111.
Non-urgent advice: Home Visits
If you are housebound or unable to travel to the surgery because you are too unwell you can request for a home visit by a GP or District Nurse.
- Routine visits should be requested before 10.30 am.
- Requests for visits after this time will be passed to the duty GP.
Urgent advice: Cancel an Appointment
If you can't make it to your appointment, please inform the reception staff so that another patient can use the appointment. You will receive a letter notifying you that you have defaulted from your appointment if you don't let the practice know in advance. Persistent defaulters maybe removed from the list.
Non-urgent advice: Extended Hours
We offer clinics on Monday between 6 PM - 8 PM on a rotational basis between the three practices. These clinics are filled by appointment only, they are not a ‘drop-in’ clinic. Please contact us if you would like to book an appointment.
Immediate action required: When We Are Closed
When the surgery is closed for urgent non-life threatening problems, please contact NHS 111. NHS 111 is here to make it easier and quicker for patients to get the right advice or treatment they need, be that for their physical or mental health.
If you, or someone you know, is experiencing a mental health crisis, call NHS 111 and select the mental health option. Available 24/7, you will speak to a mental health professional who can listen to you and help you find the right support.
If you are deaf or have hearing loss please use NHS 111 – SignVideo or the 18001 111 Relay UK app.